
3 types of evening drinks that are extremely good for health: Those who don’t know are at a disadvantage

The types of water below are very good for your health, especially when they are used in the evening. They both calm you down, help you sleep well, and help you fight aging.

Warm honey water

According to nutrition experts, if you drink a glass of warm honey water at night, it will be extremely good for your health. At the same time, it helps you sleep well and is very good at preventing colds in the winter. The reason is because honey contains many vitamins and nutrients that help increase insulin levels in the body, release tryptophan in the brain, helping the body relax, thereby making it easier for you to fall asleep. Honey mixed with warm water is a remedy that helps purify and detoxify the liver effectively by eliminating toxic substances from the body.

At the same time, warm honey water, especially women who want rosy and healthy skin, should use a lot of honey because it contains many enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants to help women live much longer.

Chrysanthemum tea

Drinks you should and should not use at night 2Chrysanthemum tea has cooling properties, dilates blood vessels to help you sleep.Chrysanthemum tea is a decoction made from chrysanthemum flowers that have been dried or dried in hot water at room temperature. about 90-95 °C, you can add a little sugar or sometimes sprouts. This is a drink that should be used in the evening because this tea has the effect of naturally treating insomnia, and if you drink a cup of warm chamomile tea 30 minutes before going to bed, it will help you sleep better and sleep deeper.

In addition, chrysanthemum tea has cooling properties, dilates blood vessels, so it can maintain stable blood pressure, purify and detoxify the liver, suitable for people who often suffer f

Drinking fruit juice at night is good for your health, but you should drink it 1-2 hours before bed

Fruit juice

The nutritional composition of fruit juices such as squash, celery, papaya, pineapple… contains many different vitamins such as E, A, C… which are extremely good for health. Strong.

Besides, juices such as grapefruit and guava are also rich in vitamin C, which fights oxidation and enhances resistance for good health. At the same time, these juices also help burn excess fat, helping women lose weight extremely well.

Besides, drinking fruit juice at night helps increase water in the body, giving women beautiful, smooth, youthful skin. At the same time, the vitamin C content in these fruits is a strong antioxidant and helps strengthen the immune system against viruses and is also very good for the skin. Therefore, the advice given is to drink fruit juices such as papaya juice, grapefruit juice, and hot lemon in the evening to help the body become healthier and full of energy the next morning.

However, it is better to drink fruit juice about 1-2 hours before bed. 

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