
4 types of honey masks to soothe acne and fade dark spots for brighter, healthier skin

Ingredients such as fatty acids, B vitamins, peptides, amino acids, antioxidants… help soothe acne and fade dark spots after healing.
4 types of honey masks to soothe acne and fade dark spots for brighter, healthier skin
Green tea has the ability to fight some of the most common bacteria that contribute to acne

Honey has antibacterial properties that are very good for acne-prone skin. For red, inflamed acne, honey helps draw impurities out of acne. Ingredients such as fatty acids, B vitamins, peptides, amino acids, antioxidants… help soothe acne and fade dark spots after healing.

Apply pure honey

To remove dirt and sebum after a day of activity, apply a thin layer of pure honey on your face. Relax for 30 minutes then rinse with cool water to tighten pores. This method is effective for your skin, helps smooth skin, and prevents acne from forming.

This method is effective for your skin, helps smooth skin, and prevents acne from forming.


Honey and yogurt

Yogurt suppresses acne-causing bacteria, reduces inflammation and prevents acne from forming. If used properly, the skin will become moist and smooth. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt. Remove makeup and wash your face, then apply the mixture evenly on your skin. After 20 minutes, wash your face with cool water and continue applying lotion as usual.

Honey and lemon juice

The mixture of honey and lemon juice has high antibacterial properties, helping to improve acne-prone skin very effectively. The acid content in lemon juice has the effect of inhibiting acne. The simple way is to prepare 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of pure honey. Mix the mixture well and apply it to acne-prone skin. After 15 minutes, wash your face with cool water. Repeat twice a week to improve acne-prone skin.

Honey and green tea

Green tea has the ability to fight some of the most common bacteria that contribute to acne, specifically propionibacteria acnes and propionibacteria granulosum as well as staphylococcus aureus. To make a honey and green tea mask, prepare 2 spoons of green tea powder and 3 spoons of pure honey. Then mix honey and green tea powder well to get a thick mixture. Apply to acne-affected skin and leave for 15 minutes. Finally wash your face with cool water.

You should test the mixture on a small area of ​​skin before applying it to your face to check your skin’s reaction. Do not apply too much mask because it can easily overload the skin, clog pores and make acne more likely. Be sure to choose pure ingredients to avoid skin irritation and achieve the highest acne treatment effectiveness.

Besides using honey masks, you need to pay attention to your diet, lifestyle, and daily skin care habits to effectively treat acne and prevent new acne from forming.

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