
Can diabetics drink honey lemon water?

Honey lemon water has many benefits, including for people with diabetes, but if consumed incorrectly, it can also be harmful to health.

Honey lemon water has many health benefits

Lemons contain large amounts of vitamin C, other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, potassium, pectin, fiber, and citric acid. Meanwhile, honey includes many vitamins (group B), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium…), antioxidants. Therefore, if you combine drinking a glass of warm lemon water and honey early in the morning, it will enhance the immune system, help the body fight disease-causing bacteria, prevent diseases such as the common cold, and many other benefits. other uses.

Some effects of honey lemon water

Helps control blood sugar : Lemon is considered a “super food for diabetes”. Lemon water may help control blood sugar levels over time; Helps prevent blood sugar spikes.

In addition, the reason lemon helps reduce the harmful effects of diabetes is because it has two advantages: Rich in soluble fiber and vitamin C. Soluble fiber helps slow down the digestive process, thereby helping to control sugar levels, cholesterol in the blood. Vitamin C can help reduce fasting blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and reduce the risk of complications from diabetes such as heart and kidney disease.

Honey is also considered a natural “miracle drug” for health but under normal health conditions. For people with diabetes, honey is not really good, because the glycemic index of honey and sugar is similar (honey is 58, sugar is 60). Honey is rich in vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants, but if consumed too much can cause blood sugar to spike.

Therefore, experts recommend that people with diabetes can drink but need to limit it; You should not drink it regularly and when preparing it, you should only use a very small amount of honey.

Eliminates toxins : Flavonoid antioxidants found in lemons are compounds that help protect the body’s cells from damage by reducing cell damage, fighting free radicals and the products they produce. by the body’s oxidative stress. That is also the way the body uses them to limit the inflammatory process to reduce the risk of many cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, increased uric acid, and cancer.

Not only that, warm lemon water also helps stimulate the body’s detoxification process, thanks to its ability to enhance enzyme function, stimulate the liver, activate bile flow, help emulsify and eliminate dissolved toxins. in fat. This increases the efficiency of digestion, metabolism, and detoxification.

Good for digestion : Lemon and honey combined together will help remove harmful toxins from the stomach and purify the body. Honey is full of enzymes that help strengthen the digestive system. In addition, there are large amounts of vitamin C, A, antioxidants in honey that have anti-inflammatory properties against bacteria in the body.

Good for the respiratory system : Lemon honey is used by many people as a natural remedy to prevent flu, sore throat, and cough. If taken regularly every day, the symptoms of burning pain will also decrease.

Prevent kidney stones : Citric acid in lemon helps prevent kidney stones by increasing urine output, increasing urine pH, creating a less favorable environment for kidney stone formation. Just 1/2 cup of lemon juice a day can provide enough citric acid to help prevent stone formation in people who already have them.

Who should not drink lemon water?

Due to its acidic nature, lemon juice can cause heartburn, especially for people prone to acid reflux. Besides, some studies also show that citric acid in lemon can erode tooth enamel if consumed regularly for a long time.

For people with diabetes, carbohydrate and fiber intake must be maintained to keep blood sugar levels from rising too high. That is why although honey is rich in antioxidants and can help people with diabetes, people with diabetes should limit their use of honey. Consuming too much honey can increase blood sugar levels.

When is a good time to drink?

After waking up : Now that the stomach is empty, drinking a glass of lemon-honey water helps clean the stomach and replenish water with Vitamin C for a working day. However, you should only mix a few drops of lemon juice, do not overuse it as it will affect the stomach.

After meals : You can drink a glass of lemon juice about 1.5 – 2 hours after meals, it helps a lot in digesting food. But in the evening you should only drink 1 glass before 8 – 9pm, don’t drink too late as it will affect your sleep.

Information in the article is for reference only. People with diabetes should consult a doctor before use.

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