
Experts recommend that coffee combined with this product is cheap, easy to find and extremely good for the heart

Coffee is a familiar drink for many people, but few people know that using it in combination with it will create multiple benefits.

Eating fruit and nut yogurt before drinking morning coffee helps make it more effective

Coffee is a drink that many people love to drink in the morning. Coffee helps stay awake. Coffee is rich in antioxidants, minerals, etc., which helps prevent obesity and overweight, is good for the heart, and increases exercise performance. Coffee has also been researched to confirm that it is good for diabetics and cardiovascular patients if used correctly and reasonably.

However, coffee contains caffeine so it can have some side effects such as causing hangovers, intoxication, and fatigue. Experts recommend that drinking coffee with yogurt is very good.

Coffee combined with yogurt, fruit, nuts

Drinking coffee in the morning on an empty stomach causes restlessness or discomfort for some people. To overcome this situation, nutrition experts have offered some suggestions to help minimize the effects of caffeine.

Dr. Sangeeta Tiwari, clinical nutritionist at Artemis Lite Hospital, New Delhi, India advises people to eat yogurt with some fruit and nuts before drinking coffee. This combination helps balance nutrition, reduce the stimulating effects of caffeine and enhance overall health.

Yogurt is a good nutritional product. Yogurt is rich in beneficial bacteria that help improve gut health, calcium in yogurt helps soothe the digestive system, and protein helps provide sustained energy. Fruits contain natural sugars that are good for health. Fruits are also rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which help regulate blood sugar and reduce oxidative stress caused by caffeine, thereby reducing jitters.

Coffee is a drink with many uses, but you need to pay attention to how you use it

Meanwhile, many nuts are rich in good fats, healthy proteins and minerals like magnesium and potassium, which help release energy slowly and slow down the absorption of caffeine, thereby minimizing unpleasant effects.

Therefore, snacking on this food in the morning before drinking coffee helps create a cushion in the stomach, slowing down the absorption of caffeine into the blood. The balanced combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins helps maintain a steady supply of energy, counteracting the potential negative effects of caffeine such as dehydration and increased heart rate. Therefore, if you want to drink morning coffee, experts recommend that you snack on yogurt, fruit, nuts, and seeds, which are quick, nutritious, and highly effective for your health.

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