
3 types of juice help clean dirt in the lungs: Ginseng, bird’s nest

The juices below help purify your lungs extremely well, preventing many dangerous diseases.

Carrot juice purifies the lungs


Drinking filtered water regularly will help your lungs maintain moisture to function effectively. When you drink enough water, your body will provide moisture to the mucous membrane in the lungs and prevent many dangerous diseases. At the same time, filtered water helps keep the mucous membranes moist, helping to keep toxic substances and dust particles from sticking to the surface, easily being eliminated through the natural mechanisms of the respiratory system.

At the same time, when you drink filtered water, it helps remove toxic substances from the body, including substances that are harmful to the lungs such as cigarette smoke, dirt, bacteria and other chemicals. When the body consumes filtered water, it provides water to support the process of removing these substances from the lungs through the respiratory system.

Carrot juice

According to nutrition experts, carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin A, which are powerful antioxidants so they are very good for preventing diseases. At the same time, carrot juice also contains antioxidants that can prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body, including the lungs, helping you have healthy lungs.

Besides, when you drink carrot juice, it contains beta-carotene and other compounds. Inflammation is a natural defense reaction of the body when faced with the invasion of bacteria, viruses or other irritants, causing increased resistance to diseases.

Green tea purifies the lungs well

Green tea

Green tea contains many polyphenols which are antioxidants. At the same time, these substances have the ability to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body, including in the lungs. Besides, green tea helps the body protect the lungs from damage, green tea can help maintain lung health.

The polyphenols in green tea also have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a natural reaction of the body when faced with the invasion of bacteria, viruses or other irritants. However, if inflammation becomes too strong, it can cause damage to the lungs. The anti-inflammatory agents in green tea can help reduce inflammation in the lungs and keep them healthy.

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