
What fruits should diabetics eat?

People with diabetes often consider carefully when using fruit to avoid high blood sugar, so what fruits should diabetics eat that is good their health?


According to MSc. Tran Nguyen Quynh Tram, Department of Endocrinology, Tam Anh General Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, fruits and fresh fruits are always a source of food rich in fiber and vitamins that are very good for health and can be used. in snacks for everyone, especially people with diabetes.

People with diabetes can use fruits with low glycemic index, avoid using some fruits with high glycemic index, which affect insulin levels (a hormone in the pancreas that our body produces). to keep blood sugar levels within the normal range), not good for people with diabetes.

To know which fruits should be eaten, which fruits should not be eaten, the glycemic index of each fruit, and how much is enough, diabetics just need to remember the simple rule “apples, oranges, grapes.” , berries” and the rule of thumb is that a suitable serving of fruit is the size of a fist. If you eat more than a handful of fruit at a time, it can affect the insulin levels of diabetics.

Fruits can be used as snacks

Grapefruit, orange, tangerine

Grapefruit, oranges, and tangerines are fruits with a low glycemic index and contain lots of fiber. Thanks to its insulin-like effect, grapefruit helps reduce blood sugar. During snacks, diabetics can eat about 4 grapefruit segments, or an orange, or two tangerines.

Strawberries, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, cherries

These berries contain a lot of fiber, vitamin C and minerals that are beneficial for health, and have the ability to control blood sugar and reduce blood fat, suitable for people with diabetes.

What fruits should diabetics eat is a question that many people are interested in. 


Avocado is a fruit rich in fats, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants that are good for diabetics. Avocado also helps reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, avocado’s glycemic index is very low and safe.

Apples, pears, guavas, plums, peaches

This group of fruits contains a lot of soluble fiber, is rich in vitamins and has a low insulin index, which is very beneficial for people with diabetes. In addition, apples also contain pectin, which helps eliminate toxins from the body, while pears help reduce sweet cravings in patients. Peach plums also help improve the digestive system.


Durian is rich in fat and vitamins. Diabetic patients can eat 1 slice as a snack to limit the intake of too much sugar into the body while still ensuring adequate energy and nutrients.


Jackfruit contains vitamin C and is rich in phytonutrients that help strengthen the immune system very effectively. People with diabetes can eat an appropriate amount of 3-4 pieces/day which is still within the allowable level.

Siamese banana

If you choose a banana for a snack, the doctor recommends that eating one fruit will be good for people with diabetes.

Lychees and longans

Adding a small cup of longan or lychee to a snack is the most suitable amount for people with diabetes.

Ripe mango

Many people mistakenly believe that mangos contain a lot of sugar and people with diabetes should not eat them. According to Dr. Tram, ripe mangoes can be used as an alternative snack during the day, with a portion of one mango cheek, providing about 65 Kcal.


Watermelon contains high amounts of water, vitamins and antioxidants that are very good for the body, patients can use 2 small slices as snacks.

Do not eat dried fruits or juices that contain a lot of sugar

While fresh fruits are healthy, dried or canned fruits contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, processed fruits such as raisins and strawberry yogurt are not suitable for people with diabetes.

The above information will hopefully help you answer the question “What fruits should diabetics eat?”. Patients are recommended to add at least 1-2 fruits and at least 5 servings of vegetables to their daily menu to ensure adequate nutrition.

Therefore, balancing the appropriate dose of fruit will help diabetics control their sugar intake, ensuring the body fully absorbs nutrients without increasing the allowable blood sugar index.

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