
Randi, the mother of Patrick Mahomes, breaks down in tears as Adidas dedicates a sneaker to the Chiefs quarterback’s 2-year-old son

Patrick Mahomes’ son Bronze turns two on November 28th, 2024 and Adidas is releasing a special colorway to mark the occasion, much to grandma Randi’s happiness. The Chiefs quarterback chose to leverage his partnership with the sporting giant for a homage to his ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩ.

The theme is Bronze, reflecting his son’s name, and his daughter Sterling also makes an appearance. Patrick Mahomes says in the voiceover,

“Three rings, three áĩītriÆĨes, three generations… The legend lives on the field, the legacy lives at home.”

It refers to the three Super Bowl championships that the Chiefs quarterback has, the three áĩītriÆĨes synonymous with Adidas, and the three generations referring to his father, who was a professional baseball player, himself, and his son.

Randi Mahomes could not hide her joy seeing the ad and she posted on X, writing,

“Tears!!! I love this so much!!!”

Patrick Mahomes’ son spent QB’s 𝐛ðĒðŦð­ðĄday cuddling with dad

Patrick Mahomes is celebrating his son’s second 𝐛ðĒðŦð­ðĄday with an Adidas advert but when he turned 29 back in September, the affair was much more homely. His wife, Brittany, had posted how he had spent that time cuddling with his ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩren and written in a separate Instagram post,

“Happy Birthday to one of the greatest humans ever, my husband, best friend and the best daddy ever! We are so grateful you are ours! We Love Youuuuuu”

Randi Mahomes posts Thanksgiving photo as her son leads Chiefs to win

While Randi Mahomes was in tears looking at the cute Adidas ad featuring her grandson, she did not have her son near him over the weekend before Thanksgiving. He was trying to win a match against the Carolina Panthers and successfully did so after a 33-yard run brought the Chiefs into a walk-off field goal range.

But the rest of the family congregated and she got to spend time with her father instead. She posted a photograph of the gathering on Instagram, writing,

“Celebrating Thanksgiving with my daddy and family”

Whether it is Patrick Mahomes’ 𝐛ðĒðŦð­ðĄday or his son’s, or it is another occasion like Thanksgiving, the Kansas City quarterback can lean back on a loving family. His personal life perfectly dovetails with his professional achievements too as he has led his team to a 10-1 record this season and into the lead in the AFC. As they look to become the first franchise in the Super Bowl era to win three consecutive championships, things are looking rosy on and off the field.

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