Tim Reid and Daphne Maxwell Reid, the beloved couple from the iconic television series “Simon and Simon,” have embarked on a home renovation adventure that has turned into a labor of love. In a candid interview, the Reids shared their experiences of transforming their dream home into a reality, revealing the challenges and joys that come with such a monumental project.
Initially enamored by the house’s spaciousness and picturesque location, Tim was captivated the moment he laid eyes on the property. “I fell in love with the house and bought it that night,” he recalled. However, the couple soon realized that their vision for the home would require significant effort. From replacing the roof to installing hardwood floors and even removing 22 tons of stone and concrete, the renovations proved to be a daunting task.
Despite the challenges and unexpected costs—Tim humorously noted that “everything costs $5,000″—the couple remained dedicated to their vision. Daphne, an accomplished interior designer, found joy in creating a new studio space for her clothing designs. “I’ve been sewing since I was 9 years old,” she shared, expressing her excitement about launching a men’s clothing line.
Beyond their home, the Reids prioritize family and adventure, traveling extensively to strengthen their bond. Tim emphasized that these experiences foster a deeper understanding and respect for one another. “Traveling gives us the opportunity to see each other outside of our environment,” he said.
Additionally, Tim Reid has taken a stand against drug abuse by joining the All-Star Anti-Drug Crusade led by First Lady Nancy Reagan. He believes that the real threat to society lies in drug addiction, emphasizing the importance of nurturing intelligent and active youth for a brighter future.
As the Reids continue to shape both their home and their lives, they exemplify the balance of family values, creativity, and social responsibility, proving that wealth is not just about material possessions, but also about the freedom to create and make a difference.