
Rescue of a Puppy from a Cave with No Food, Water, or Attention

Someone informed the Kokkachi Shelter about a small dog hiding with a wound around its stomach, so volunteers went there and checked it out while it was outside, but they had nothing to trap it.

They went back to the shelter and bought all the necessary supplies, including cloth, milk and a bag to help it. By the time he entered the cave, the team had returned and he had not yet appeared. Someone had left a bowl of milk outside the cave for several hours and was waiting for him.

After a few hours, he came out of the cave, which had been closed with wooden blocks. And caught the dog, wrapped it in a towel and transported it to a veterinary facility in Calicut.

The rescue attempt was fraught with difficulty as he continued to go inside as they tried to capture him. It took a while to catch him because the cave was so big.

Veterinary clinics were closed because it was a holiday. Finally, they found a kind doctor willing to treat him, Dr. Shihabudheen, who provided all the therapies for free. They brought the dog to Kokkachi’s shelter to be cared for. “And he will be part of the Kokkachi clan.”

The dog recovers quickly and is full of energy. The entire shelter staff fell in love with him as soon as they saw him. He has beautiful eyes.

The dog is now in excellent health and enjoys his human companions, but the gorgeous puppy still needs a long-term family…

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