
A Heart-Wrenching Scene: Grieving Mother Dog’s Emotional Efforts to Dig up Her Deceased Puppy

The video shows a heart-wrenching scene as a grieving mother dog determinedly uncovers her deceased puppy. Kookie tirelessly digs through the tightly packed earth until she reaches the male pup and pulls it out of its makeshift grave by a leg. In an attempt to revive her precious offspring, she licks and nudges the tiny body with all her might. The owner, Kaye de Luna, comments in the video that Kookie had previously miscarried during her first pregnancy, and now, with the loss of another puppy, she must be devastated. It’s evident how much Kookie cared about all her litter, even the one that didn’t make it. It’s truly a sad sight to behold.

Kookie gave 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 to a litter of puppies on May 17, but unfortunately, one of the smallest and weakest pups passed away overnight. When Kookie realized what had happened, she began barking loudly and woke up everyone in the house. Upon checking, the owners found the dead puppy and buried it in their garden in an unmarked grave without Kookie’s knowledge. Later, when they took Kookie out for a walk in the garden, she headed straight towards the gravesite. The owner, Kaye, decided to let Kookie grieve in her own way and come to terms with the loss of her puppy. The emotional video shows Kaye sobbing in the background as she observes Kookie mourning the loss of her pup.

Initially, Kookie dug into the soil until she detected her puppy’s scent and this encouraged her to keep going. After some time, she removed enough dirt to reveal a portion of the body and was able to extract the motionless puppy from its makeshift grave. The mother dog then made desperate attempts to revive the puppy by licking and nudging it with her nose. Towards the end of the clip, Kookie paused and directed her attention towards Kaye who was deeply saddened by the heart-wrenching scene.

The viral video shows that dogs too experience grief and loss when they lose their puppies. Kookie, like all other female dogs, was hardwired to lick and nudge her puppies as an instinctual behavior. It is understandable that Kookie dug up her dead puppy for one last attempt at resuscitation, as she was going through her own form of closure. The notion that dogs grieve for their owners is commonly known, so it is not surprising that they would also feel the same sense of sadness and mourning when losing a pup.

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