A brilliant 18-year-old boy named Ehime Abhulimen has graduated with a degree from Forsyth Technical Community College, United States despite still being a high school student. He also set a record as the first-ever African American to graduate from his high school.
Ehime graduated from Mount Tabor High School, United States with a 4.68 grade point average which earned him the school’s first African-American valedictorian.
“It took a lot of hard work, a lot of perseverance, and a lot of long nights. I’m very proud of myself and very thankful to my family and friends for supporting me,” he said. Ehime said he worked towards achieving academic excellence right from his first year.
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“We got a call from one of the assistant principals at Mount Tabor telling me they didn’t know of any African-American valedictorians in the past. I took that with pride. It’s a symbol for me and many other aspiring African-American students in America and in Winston-Salem,” he said.
Even with his aim for academic excellence upon graduation, Ehime did not just focus on academics. He also served as a team captain and played point guard for Mount Tabor’s boys basketball team.
“Ever since I was a freshman, I’ve always wanted to achieve academic excellence. Really pushing, reaching for the stars, and trying to be the best student I can be,” he said. Ehime was accepted by several top universities and even turned down some offers.
Ehime turned down offers from Brown University and the University of Rochester stating that he plans to attend East Carolina University, United States on scholarship with early acceptance into the university’s Brody School of Medicine.