Priyanka Chopra Jonas, a powerhouse in both Bollywood and Hollywood, continues to captivate audiences worldwide with her multifaceted talents. Born in 1982 in Jamshedpur, India, Chopra has ascended from her early days as a beauty pageant winner—claiming the Miss World title in 2000—to a prominent actress, singer, and entrepreneur. She gained international recognition through her role in the American series “Quantico” and has starred in major films like “Baywatch” and “The White Tiger.”
Chopra’s success extends beyond the screen; she is also a savvy investor. Her ventures include stakes in the dating app Bumble, which recently valued at $14 billion, and the Halberton School, a tech and programming education startup. Additionally, she launched her hair care line, Anomaly, and opened an Indian restaurant, Sona, in New York City. With over 79 million Instagram followers, Chopra earns an impressive $400,000 per sponsored post, showcasing her influence in the brand endorsement arena.
Chopra’s lifestyle reflects her success. She and her husband, Nick Jonas, reside in a lavish 20,000-square-foot mansion in Encino, California, purchased for $20 million in 2019. This property features luxurious amenities, including a bowling alley, cinema, and an infinity pool. Their car collection is equally impressive, boasting vehicles like a Mercedes-Maybach S650 and a Rolls Royce Ghost, emphasizing their taste for luxury.
Notably, Chopra’s net worth is estimated at around $100 million, making her one of the highest-paid Indian celebrities globally. This figure is bolstered by her various acting roles, endorsements, and entrepreneurial endeavors. As a couple, Chopra and Jonas embody a modern power duo, with their financial success and cultural impact making headlines around the world.