In a groundbreaking move, ABC has signed a $400 million deal with Tucker Carlson to bring the controversial but popular companion show to its late-night network. The deal will replace the long-running “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” with a new show helmed by Carlson, marking a significant shift in ABC’s late-night programming strategy.
The End of an Era
Jimmy Kimmel, who has been a mainstay of ABC’s late-night programming since 2003, is stepping down as the network takes a bold new direction. Known for his sharp wit, celebrity interviews and political commentary, Kimmel’s departure signals the end of an era. While fans of the show have expressed sadness at his departure, many are curious to see what Carlson will bring.
Kimmel has yet to publicly announce his departure, though people close to the comedy say he may be looking for new opportunities in streaming or production.
TÅcker Carlso’s Big Move
TÅcker Carlso’s late-night show is slated to debut in early 2025, promising to blend political commentary, cultural analysis, and promotional interviews. Given his polarizing style, Carlso’s move from cable to network has been hailed by industry insiders as a gamble—either to redefine late-night television or to spin off part of ABC’s legacy network.
“This is a bold move for ABC,” said one senior media analyst. “TÅcker Carlso has a large following and makes fair points, but getting him into late-night programming will be a challenge.”
$400 Million Gambling
The $400 million deal is a nod to ABC’s ability to attract viewers and advertisers. It’s one of the most innovative deals in television history and reflects the network’s ambition to dominate late-afternoon gambling.
“We believe Tucker’s voice will be well received,” an ABC spokesperson said in a statement. “This new show will combine the edgy perspective he craves with a fresh, engaging format for late-afternoon viewers.”
Public Reaction
News of the deal sparked a backlash on social media. Carlso’s supporters applauded ABC’s decision, expressing excitement about his new platform. Critics, however, have criticized the network for moving away from the celebrity appeal and distinctive personality of Kimmel’s show.
Hashtags like #TückerOnABC and #BriпgBackKimmel have been trending, highlighting the divisive atmosphere of the group.
What will ABC do next?
ABC’s decision to replace Jimmy Kimmel with Tucker Carlso is part of a broader strategy to restore the show’s appeal to a diverse audience. The network has not revealed specific details about Carlso’s format, but has promised to radically change and present commentary in a way that challenges ambitious late-night dramas.
As Carlso’s debt mounts, all eyes are on ABC to see if the risky move will pay off. One thing is certain: the late-night TV landscape is about to change dramatically.