Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attended the Jonas Brothers’ Hollywood Walk of Fame star ceremony in LA on Monday, 30 Jan., where they sported coordinating looks in warm brown tones. Chopra, 40, slipped into a brown Paris Georgia maxi dress for the occasion, with draping at the neckline and ruching at the hips. The design was hiked up to midlength to reveal her Sarah Flint checked heels with a matching espresso suede cap-toe. She accessorised the look with a Hereu plaited shoulder bag; tortoise Miu Miu sunglasses; and chunky double-hoop earrings. The “Love Again” actress balanced a vermilion-red leather trench coat on her shoulders and opted for loose waves with her hair parted at the side, plus a matte roseberry lip.
Meanwhile, Jonas stood by her side as they entered the venue, showing off his peach striped suit with subtle hints of blue, styled over a cream shirt that he left unbuttoned at the top and pressed beneath the lapels of his blazer. The 30-year-old musician wore dark brown platform loafers to accent his sunglasses, which came in a similar tortoise finish to Chopra’s.
The celebration also marked Chopra and Jonas’s first public appearance with their daughter Malti Marie, who sat on her mother’s lap in the audience in a tweed Bimbalò dress. The khaki-coloured outfit worked in tandem with her parents’ palette, likely a move orchestrated in part by Chopra’s stylist Maeve Reilly. The trio were joined by Kevin, Joe, and their own families, with Sophie Turner making a notably bright appearance in a scarlet Magda Butrym set with a rose appliquéd cropped jacket.
Chopra’s muted ensemble comes following a string of more vibrant looks, including a lime Saks Potts coat, gold sequinned gown, and purple Sergio Hudson slip. She also recently covered British Vogue in an electrifying LaQuan Smith PVC coat.
Ahead, shop Chopra’s full outfit after admiring the Hollywood Walk of Fame photos