“Whatever you do. Just commit to it. A hook, slice, straight, high, low…who cares? Just settle down and committ to what you are doing. Just stay here,” he mentioned.
“There you go, see? Keep it simple. Most important thing that you do is commit to what you are doing. That’s it.”
According to Tiger Woods, “practice swings don’t really necessarily mirror” what one would do at the actual event
“Well I-I would like to see..like your practice swings don’t really necessarily mirror what you’re doing in a real golf swing…So if I happen to see you hit a range of balls, yes I get an understanding of what you..you’re going to do but if I just happen to see you cold like that,” Woods said [10:59 onwards].
“Then I really can’t give you that much information cause I haven’t really seen you do it and your rehearsals aren’t the same as your real swing.”