
The horrifying incident was captured on camera: a passing car swept a dog into a pool of blood.

On a regular day, a bunch of individuals witnessed a dog getting hit by a car and collapsing. They shot a video clip of the poor dog not moving and covered in blood, which they instantly forwarded to us. We instructed them not to move the dog and rushed to the location to administer prompt medical care. It was evident that the dog had endured a grave head injury, and we feared for its survival.

Upon reaching the location, we discovered a dog that was disoriented and in a state of shock. It was moving around aimlessly, seemingly experiencing an adrenaline rush, and exhibiting signs of a confused mind. Our team realized that immediate action was necessary to provide the dog with a chance to recover.

After transporting the injured pooch to our clinic, we immediately initiated treatment. We aptly christened him Mitchell – a fitting name for a resilient male who had a long road to recovery ahead of him, following a head injury.

Initially, we were worried about Mitchell’s brain injury potentially causing permanent damage through bleeding. It was essential to keep a close eye on him around the clock to ensure he did not lose consciousness due to brain bleeding, which is a significant risk associated with concussions. However, after a few hours, we noticed slight improvements as he was able to focus his gaze and tolerate gentle touch. The most significant moment of hope during those initial hours was his interest in food and ability to coordinate head movements to feed himself.

During the following days, Mitchell’s recovery was gradual yet consistent. Our focus was on introducing him to gentle physiotherapy routines and motivating him to stand and walk around. In the beginning, he was frail and confused, but gradually, his vigor and capacity to move returned. It was evident that he possessed a strong will to recover and was committed to doing so.

With the passage of time, Mitchell’s health was restored in a miraculous manner. In a matter of weeks, he transitioned from an almost lifeless dog to a lively and energetic puppy. He gained enough strength to stand independently, move around, and even engage in playtime with other dogs. This transformation was unbelievable and it was achievable due to the unrelenting affection and commitment of our team.


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